Why Heavy Metal?

I just dropped off a car full of stuff at Deseret Industries (like Goodwill). It has a drive-through and there's a whole team of people there to help unload the goods. The lane I was in was closest to the building, super nice 20-something guy with a tired smile on his face.

Me: "It's been a brutal day."

Him: "Yeah, me too." Eye contact. Smile.

Me, while unloading stuff: "What do you do to detox?"

Him: "I don't know..."

Me: "I listen to heavy metal."

He had a great quirky smile. He ran inside the building to tell his friend. It sounded like, "Hey, this lady likes Heavy Metal."

Yeah, I look pretty normal. The heavy metal comes as a surprise.

As I pulled away, the song that came on was by Megadeth, one of my favorite tunes. To understand what happened next, it helps to understand what had happened 4 hours earlier.

This is why it had been "a brutal day":  I found that someone changed the numbers on a legal document after I had signed it. Then tried to get away with it. I could have very easily exploded in righteous anger. I could have gotten tense. Changing a legal document after signing is illegal. They tried to take advantage of me. I could have drowned in anger.

Summary: We sold a home, signed, closing complete. I went to pick up the check and the title company had changed the totals so that our check was now $1,400 less than we thought it would be. The had a cute little box of chocolates with the paperwork to distract me then tried to get me to sign for receipt without reading the papers.

I walked out. I wasn't dumb enough to take the check, but I felt sick to my stomach because so many other home buyers and sellers might not have their guard up high enough. They might be dazzled by the escrow agent's smile and friendly banter. It was Just One of Those Days.

Yes, Limp Bizkit's Break Stuff isn't heavy metal and it also wasn't satisfying enough. (I just couldn't resist the "Just one of those days" reference.

Sidenote: It was the song I took with me to the hospital for delivery of one of my kids. Perfect for the bloody mess of birth.

For this situation, it was Megadeth's Sweating Bullets that did the trick. I turned it up to maximum volume and felt the pressure and stress fly out the windows, just fly...

Note that I really don't like the videos so I don't recommend actually watching them. Instead, just listen.

By the time I got home I was a kind, loving momma. I let the angst, frustration, all the ickies behind, floating up and out in the wind. When I first saw my husband I was smiling. That's why I listen to heavy metal.

Rock on.

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