Heavy Metal Band for Fridays

Which heavy metal band is best for Fridays?

There's a natural surge of "let's party" on Fridays that helps us transition to Saturdays.

Note: NEVER say, "What do you do on a Saturday?" to any Mormon you love.* 

Saturday is supposed to be like this:

To lead up to an awesome Saturday, you need a let's-blow-this-joint type of Friday.

So, obviously the band to profile today is Alestorm.

Message: Stop being so uptight.

There was only 1 group of uptight people in the scriptures. Pharisees. Just sayin.

Now, I may lose your respect with this next part, but when I heard Alestorm for the first time it was in the background after Sacrament and I had this awesome image of the deacons passing the Sacrament with, "Drink! Drink! Drink!"

The Drink! video is one of the cleaner heavy metal music videos, ending in a dance party, the girls in really cute white and cream skirts. Give the girls sleeves on their cute dresses and you have a Single Adults dance. Or at least, what I wish they would be.

Don't click out of the video before the very end -- one of the most enigmatic weird expressions I've ever seen. Perhaps creepy, but so, so loaded.

"We are here to drink your beer, scratch that, Sacrament wine, scratch that too, drink your blessed water."

Remember that the most pivotal moment in the history of humanity on Earth was a "Drink!" moment, the first Sacrament, the Last Supper.

If you're having a hard time focusing on Christ's Atonement next time you're taking the Sacrament (a bit of bread + little cup of water like at the Last Supper) then think of the Alestorm Drink! song and smile.

Eating & drinking are life-affirming.

The Sacrament is a way of saying, "I messed up. Life goes on. TG (literally) for my great big brother."

My guess is that Christ's atonement / the Sacrament as a reminder of the Atonement is supposed to be a HAPPY thing. Alestorm is a HAPPY band making HAPPY (albeit rough, uncouth, pirate-based) music.

* Note on why never to ask what a Mormon does on a Saturday. it's because of a highly contagious song we sang as kids, "Saturday is the day we get ready for Sunday." The lyrics are a long task list of all the chores that need to be done on Saturday. It's tedious. Sure, those things need to get done and yes, the song is upbeat. It's also great to help little kids see the purpose of Saturdays. It's just annoying the same way 100 Bottles of Beer or the Barney song are annoying. It makes you want to strangle someone. Since the song writer's purpose was to motivate and inspire kids, don't inflict it on adults.

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